Saturday, October 9


When friends and family find out we’re living on a boat, there’s often a standard set of questions we get. Here they are, complete with answers:

Q: Do you have electricity and water?
A: Yes, we are moored at a marina (not floating out in the middle of the lake). Shore power, water, and even cable for TV and internet are available.

Q: Doesn’t it get cold on the boat?
A: Yes, but we have heat. There’s a small diesel heater that heats hot water and sends it to four different zones throughout the boat (salon, aft stateroom, forward stateroom, pilothouse) each of which are thermostatically controlled.

Q: How close are you to other boats at the marina?
A: Very close. Probably a few feet between us and the next boat. Makes docking interesting. However, as far as we can tell we’re the only full-time liveaboard on our dock, which means despite the proximity of neighbors, it’s actually a very quiet neighborhood.

Q: Isn’t it creepy living on a dock? Don’t bad things happen “down by the docks?”
A: It’s not an industrial dock. It’s well-lit, small (about 150’ long), and full of yachts, not scary warehouses.

Q: Don’t you get sick of keeping your food in an icebox?
A: We actually have a real refrigerator. Not full-size, but better than an icebox.

Q: What about laundry?
A: We also have a washer/dryer. A little luxurious for a boat, but this is our home, after all...

Q: Can we come with you to Alaska?
A: Of course! All we ask is for a little help with sanding, scraping, applying epoxy, painting, pressure-washing, polishing, pumping septic tanks, vacuuming, scrubbing, fueling, provisioning, navigating, standing watch, filling water tanks, fixing leaks, paying slip fees, anchoring, cleaning off bird poop, docking, bailing, washing windows, hosing decks, and varnishing.

-Jessi and Tom


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After having reviewed your website, you seem like a good candidate for our new club...

Please let me know what you think!

Best wishes,

Josh Wander
D4DR Club President


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